
Meet the Expert Team

At The Dental Centre in Ferndown there is a respected and experienced team of experts supported by experienced dental nurses and general management of the practice at Ferndown. All the team are friendly and helpful and will answer any questions that you ask.
Please read through their profiles below.


Ingela Engfors
DDS (Gothenburg)
Specialist in Prosthodontics (Sweden)

Tony Walsh

Tony Walshe
BDS, MFGDP (UK) Msc with distinction (Advanced Restorative Dentistry) BA

Special interest in Sedation


David Leigh van As
BSc (Hons), BChD (SA),
MSc Oral Surg (UK),
MSc Perio (Ger), MClinDent Perio (UK),
MSc Craniofacial Trauma Recon (UK)
Specialist Periodontist

Dental Nurse

Sharon Roberjot - Dental Nurse

Sharon Roberjot
GDC registration – 128031

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